Carrier Administration
Carrier Agreements with Entities (CAG)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the CAG Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the CAG Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the CAG Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create a CAG?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update a CAG?
Carrier Approval (APR)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the APR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the APR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on the APR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update the APR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the APR Page?
Carrier Information and Security (CIS)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the CIS Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the CIS Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the CIS Page with ACNA?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the CIS Page with Carrier?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the CIS Page?
Carrier IntraLATA Agreements/Exceptions (CLA/CLE)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the CLA/CLE Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the CLA Portion of the CLA/CLE Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a CLA Record via the CLA/CLE Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create a CLA Record via the CLA/CLE Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update a CLA Record via the CLA/CLE Page?
Carrier Notification (NOF)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the NOF Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve Carrier Notifications via the NOF Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on the NOF Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Delete Carrier Notifications via the NOF Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the NOF Page?
Entity Agreements with Carriers (EAG)
Entity Notification and Approval Setup (ENA)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the ENA Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a CIC via the ENA Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create the ENA Page for a CIC?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update a CIC via the ENA Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Delete a CIC via the ENA Page?
Exception Notification and Approval Setup (ENO/EAP)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the EAP/ENO Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the ENO Portion of the ENO/EAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve an ENO for a TFN via the ENO/EAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create an ENO for a TFN via the ENO/EAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update an ENO for a TFN via the ENO/EAP Page?
CIC 0110 Carrier Management Background and Overview
General Notification and Approval Setup (GNA)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the GNA Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the GNA Page for a CIC?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create the GNA Page for a CIC?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the Carrier’s Desired Action from TFNRegistry?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Delivery Methods Available to the Carrier?
Operating Company Number Mapping to Entity (OCN)
Resp Org Associated Carriers (ROC)
Summary and Details of Carrier Approval (SAP/DAP)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the SAP/DAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the SAP Portion of the SAP/DAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a TFN via the SAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the SAP Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the DAP Portion of the SAP/DAP Page?