Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) that want to restrict the use of their local network to specific Responsible Organizations (Resp Orgs) can do so via the Carrier IntraLATA Agreements/Exceptions (CLA/CLE) page by entering the Resp Orgs that are allowed to use their Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) numbers. Before you, as an authorized user, can set up the CLA page, you must first call or text the Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1 to set up the Operating Company Number Mapping to Entity (OCN) page for your Entity.
The CLA page allows you to identify the set of Resp Orgs that are allowed to use the POTS numbers (NPA-NXXs) that map to any of the LEC’s OCNs. After a LEC sets up the CLA page, Resp Orgs that attempt to create new or update records that use a restricted CIC will receive an error message if the Resp Org is not listed on the CLA page. In this scenario, the Resp Org desiring to use the Carrier Identification Code (CIC) should either replace CIC 0110 with a non-0110 CIC or establish a carrier agreement with the LEC using the CLA page.
For more information on the CLA page's fields, descriptions, and their valid values, please click here, or here for more information on how to retrieve the CLA page.