The Exception Notification and Approval (ENO/EAP) page allows you, as an authorized user, to define notification and approval exceptions to the General Notification and Approval (GNA) page for individual Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs). The ENO/EAP page supports both regular Customer Records (CADs) (also known as CRs) and Pointer Records (PADs) (also known as PRs), and you can select whether to perform Notification or Approval activities through this combined page.
You must be authorized to access the ENO/EAP page and for it to appear in the menu under “Carrier Administration”. If you do not have this authorization, you will not see the choice or be able to access the page. If you require access to this page, you must contact their Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator for assistance.
To access the ENO/EAP page, from the Landing page or any page, you can select the Menu icon in the upper left corner, the "Carrier Administration" menu item and then the "Exception Notification & Approval Setup (ENO/EAP)" sub-menu item. Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
Once the "Exception Notification & Approval Setup (ENO/EAP)" sub-menu item has been selected, the ENO/EAP page will be displayed.
For more information on the ENO/EAP page's fields, their descriptions, and their valid values, please click here, or here for more information on how to retrieve the ENO page, or here for more information on how to retrieve the EAP page.