Customer Record Administration
Customer Record (CAD)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the CAD Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the Customer Record Administration Function?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a CAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the TFN and/or in the Results Field on a CAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on a CAD?
Customer Record Audit/Resend (CRA/CRR)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the CRA/CRR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the CRA/CRR Page for a TFN/Template?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Select Options for the CRA/CRR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Action Options for the CRA/CRR Page?
- TFNRegistry: How do I Use the CRA Page for a TFN/Template?
Customer Record Selection (REC)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the REC page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a TFN via the REC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the REC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Copy Icon via the REC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Reactivate a Disconnected TFN via the REC Page?
High Priority Updates (HPU)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the HPU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the HPU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the HPU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Acting As Feature for the HPU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Happens When the Acting As, Controlling Resp Org and TFN’s Resp Org are the Same for the HPU Page?
Immediate Validation Results (IVR)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the IVR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the IVR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Action Icon on the IVR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the IVR Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Will I Receive via the IVR Page if a New or Updated Record Fails?
Mass Carrier Change Information (CCI)
Pointer Record (PAD)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the PAD Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the PAD Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create a PAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Pointer Record Administrative Information Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for a PAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Template Information Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for a PAD?
Template Allocation Limit (TAL)
Template Record (TAD)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access a TAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a TAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Create a TAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on a TAD?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is in a Basic TAD?
Template Record List (TRL)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the TRL Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve the TRL Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on the TRL Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the TRL Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Acting As Feature for the TRL Page?
Template Record Selection (TEC)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the TEC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve a TAD(s) via the TEC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Options are Available for the Action Icon on the TEC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the TEC Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Copy Icon on the TEC Page?