To create a Pointer Record (PAD) (also known as a PR), a Toll-Free Number (TFN) must be in Reserved status (either with an Effective Date and Time of NOW or at a future Date and Time). The Controlling (current, old) Responsible Organization (Resp Org) of the TFN and your Resp Org ID also must match. On the PR page, you must enter the TFN and then select the Effective Date using the “Calendar” icon and enter the Effective Time and then select the “Retrieve” button. A “No Results Found” pop-up window will be displayed requesting confirmation from you “Do you want to create a new Pointer Record?”. By selecting the “Yes” button, a new Pointer Record will be created and the create Pointer Record page will be displayed.
Please Note: If the TFN is in a Transitional status, you must first go to the Number Query and Update (NQU) page under the Number Administration menu in order to return it to a Reserved status first by using the "Status" drop down menu on the page.
To create a PR, please complete the following sections:
- Pointer Record Administrative Information: All required fields (marked with a ‘*’) must be entered and all desired optional fields. For more information on the field descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
- Template Information: Enter the Template Name for the PAD or select an Active Template from the drop down list. For more information on the field descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
- Destination: Enter the Destination details. The Destination Number is a Toll-Free Number (TFN) or a Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) number. All calls to the TFN for this PR will be routed to this Destination Number. For more information on the field descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
- Contact Information: Enter the contact information for the Toll-Free Number (TFN). This provides contact details of the person to be contacted for questions or issues. The Contact Name and Contact Number are populated automatically based on the Login ID that created the PR but it can be modified as needed. For more information on the field descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information on how to use the Submit, Cancel, Revert and Save buttons, please click here.