On the Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR) page, the “Retrieve” button is initially disabled and it will not enabled until a valid Toll-Free Number (TFN) has been entered. You have the option to also enter an Effective Date and Effective Time for the respective TFN to retrieve a particular CR matching the Date and Time. The Effective Date entered must be in MM/DD/YYYY format, which can be either entered manually or by selecting the “Calendar” icon.
If a TFN is in Spare status (it is not controlled by a Resp Org and it does not have a CR), an error message of, "Number is SPARE. Go to 'NUS' to reserve number" will be displayed.
If a reserved TFN has been retrieved successfully but it does not have a CR defined, a pop-up window will be displayed with the message, “Do you want to create a new Customer Record?”. For additional information on how to create a new CR, please click here.
A CR can be retrieved by providing a TFN (with optional entered Eff. Date/Time).
If only the TFN is provided and it contains a single CR, then all the details of the CAD and a list of all the records will be displayed.
If there are multiple CRs for the requested TFN, then the following rules apply for identifying the default record that is displayed:
- Default record will be the Sending record if only one record exists.
- If there is no Sending record, then the Active or Disconnect record will be the default record.
- If no Sending, Active or Disconnect record is found, then the Failed record (if it exists) will be the default record.
- Otherwise the most future dated record will be the default record.
- If there are no future dated records, then the most recent future dated record will be used as the default.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
By selecting the “Cancel” button, you will be directed to the CAD page with no TFN retrieved.
For more information on the CAD page's fields, their descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
Learn more about this topic in the following video!
Disclaimer: This video is intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only. Pages shown in the video may differ slightly from the Production Environment.