By selecting the “Approval” radio button on the Exception Notification and Approval (ENO/EAP) page allows you, an authorized user, can define approval exceptions to the established General Notification and Approval (GNA) settings for individual Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs).
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
The following notification functions can be performed on the EAP page:
- Retrieve Notification Exceptions for a TFN
- Create Notification Exceptions for a TFN
- Update Notification Exceptions for a TFN
- Delete Notification Exceptions for a TFN
- Download Notification Exceptions for a TFN
- Print Notification Exceptions for a TFN
For more information on the ENO/EAP page's fields, descriptions, and their valid values, please click here or here for more information on how to retrieve an EAP page.