Contact Information Field Descriptions |
Field Name |
Descriptions |
Valid Values |
Contact Name |
Optional field. The name of the contact person who initiated the Service Order. Initially this is auto-populated with the name used on the Number Search and Reserve (NUS) page. It may be modified if needed. |
Text string. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . The following characters are not permitted: ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |
Contact Number |
Optional field. The phone number for the contact named in the “Contact Person” field. Initially this is auto-populated from the value used on the NUS. It may modified, if needed. |
NPA-NXX-XXXX (NPA optional). Requires 10 digits. When the number is populated by the TFNRegistry and the record does not contain a 10 Digit value, the TFNRegistry will display leading zeros (e.g. 000-699-2000). |
Notes |
Optional field. Any notes on the SO or SF which need to be stored and for which no specific fields exist on the Pointer Record (PAD) (also known as a PR). Any Notes from the NUS page are populated in this field and may be modified, if needed. |
Text string. Up to 151 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . The following characters are not permitted: ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |