By selecting the Label Definitions (LAD) portion of a Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR), it shows a view of all current LAD details for the following types of LAD labels: Area Code, Date, LATA, NXX, State, Telephone Number, Time, 10 Digit Number, 6 Digit Number.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information on LAD fields, their descriptions and their valid values, please click here, and/or here for CR Status field descriptions and valid values. Additionally, for details on the information provided in the LAD drop down menu and how to add or update its values, please click here.
By selecting the “Cancel” button, you will be directed to the CAD page.
Learn more about this topic in the following video!
Disclaimer: This video is intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only. Pages shown in the video may differ slightly from the Production Environment.