- If your Login ID is from the Controlling (current, old) Responsible Organization (Resp Org) of a Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR), then you are permitted to Transfer that CR.
- A future CR can be transferred if it has an editable status (e.g. Pending, Saved, Must Check, Hold and Invalid) or Failed status (if it has not been sent to the SCPs).
- A CR cannot be transferred that has been downloaded to the SCPs (e.g. Active, Sending, Disconnect or Old). Tip: Failed records can be transferred and then “Saved” and then copied.
- You can transfer a CR forward to a new future Effective Date and Time, provided this does not cause an incorrect Action sequence.
- A CR can be transferred to an earlier new future Effective Date and Time or to “Now”, provided this does not cause an incorrect Action sequence.
- You can transfer Call Processing Record (CPR) and/or Label Definitions (LAD) portions to:
- a different CR version of the same Toll-Free Number (TFN)
- to the same Template Name
- to a different TFN that has one or more CRs
- You cannot transfer the CPR and/or LAD portions to a Reserved TFN or Unavailable TFN.
Learn more about this topic in the following video!
Disclaimer: This video is intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only. Pages shown in the video may differ slightly from the Production Environment.