The following items should be taken into account when creating MAIN and/or Subsections in a Call Processing Record (CPR):
- If a Subsection name is used in the Go To column of the CPR MAIN section, the Subsection must exist for the Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR).
- If multiple CPR MAIN sections are used, the first CPR decision node must be the same in all CPR MAIN sections.
- If multiple CPR MAIN sections are used, the same value cannot be entered in the first CPR decision node in more than one CPR MAIN section.
- If multiple CPR MAIN sections are used, all possible cases must be explicitly listed or the “OTHER” value must be used in the last CPR MAIN section for the first CPR decision node.
- CPR MAIN sections can have different CPR nodes within the CPR. Each CPR MAIN section does not need to have the exact same CPR nodes.
- If the Go To Action node is used, it must be one of the last nodes on the CPR page in a CPR MAIN section. A call routing path must logically end with an Announcement or a Destination Telephone number (Tel# node), or a Go To designation for continuation of the call routing path to a CPR Subsection.
- If the Go To Action node is used in the CPR MAIN section, a value must be specified in the Go To node without specifying a value in either the Announcement or TEL# nodes for that routing path. If a Go To value is specified along with either the Announcement or TEL# nodes, then an error message will be generated.
- If a CPR contains a Subsection, then it must also contain a MAIN section. If the CPR consists of only Subsections and no MAIN section, an error message will be generated.
Please Note: There is only one Primary IntraLATA Carrier, Primary InterLATA Carrier, Time Zone and Daylight Savings Indicator value per CR that applies to all sections of the CR.
Learn more about this topic in the following video!
Disclaimer: This video is intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only. Pages shown in the video may differ slightly from the Production Environment.