By selecting the “Areas of Service (AOS)” drop down menu on a Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR), it shows the following 5 types of AOS: Networks, States, Numbering Plan Areas (NPAs), LATAs, and Labels. Data can be entered in one or more of the Areas categories, and an entry is required for at least one category. Each entry is validated on entry. When you select a type of AOS, the corresponding information will be populated accordingly.
An AOS label can represent more than one type of Area of Service. This type of label must be defined on all relevant AOS label types. For example, one label could represent several States and several NPAs. You may only use the AOS labels that are owned by the network of the Controlling (current, old) Responsible Organization (Resp Org) on the CR. As an example, if the Controlling Resp Org is Z0001, you can use an AOS label owned by Z0002, but not a label owned by Resp Org B0001.
Please Note: If the CR's controlling Resp Org changes, the AOS label(s) might also need to change based on these restrictions on ownership of AOS labels.
Networks: It is the first option to add a new AOS is using the “List” icons for each AOS type. You must select the “List” icon and a pop-up window “Choose from the list” will be displayed with the available AOS options to search and select. The available values are specific to each type of AOS section, and you must select the desired value by selecting the check box and then the “Select” button.
Please Note: This option is applicable for all the sections available in the AOS, i.e., Networks, States, NPAs, LATAs and Labels. An example of adding a new field manually and deleting one entry or all entries is shown using the AOS.
Another option is to add a new Network value for the selected Network type by selecting the “Add” icon to the right of the listed entries. After selecting the Add icon, a text box will be displayed allowing the user to enter a valid value.
Values for an AOS type can be deleted as needed. As an example, to delete a value for the selected Networks type, you must select the “Delete Item” icon to the left of the value or select the “Delete”
icon in the right corner of the Networks drop down menu.
States: The States type of AOS can be selected by State or Province. In the pop-up window for the States type of AOS, you can directly enter State and Province codes, search for the State or Province or simply scroll to find the State or Province Alphabetically (A-Z) and then click the “Select” button. The added values will be displayed on the section.
NPAs: NPAs can be added to the AOS on a CAD. To find the desired NPA(s), you must select the State or Province from the drop down menu and the State's (Province’s) available NPAs will be displayed. After the NPAs are displayed, you can select the check box to the left of the desired NPA(s) and then the “Select” button to add the NPAs to the AOS. You may search for the desired NPA(s) within the selected State or Province by entering part or all of the NPA in the Search field and then selecting the “Select” button.
LATA: LATAs can be added in a similar method to adding Networks, States and NPAs. In the LATAs section, expanding the LATAs displays the similar “List” icon and fields for LATAs. One or more LATAs can be selected from the pop-up window or added to the fields to complete the desired LATAs needed for the AOS portion of the CAD.
Labels: Labels can be added in a similar method like the Networks, States, NPAs and LATAs. In the Labels section, first expanding the Labels displays the “List” icon and available fields for Labels. Select the Labels from the list and then the “Select” button.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information about AOS fields, their descriptions and their valid values, please click here.
Learn more about this topic in the following video!
Disclaimer: This video is intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only. Pages shown in the video may differ slightly from the Production Environment.