A Primary Contact, Company Administrator, or User Administrator has the ability to add a new user with the same permissions as a current user using the "Add as a Copy" feature. After successfully logging into the Somos® Portal Website (portal.somos.com), search for the current user that you want to copy the permissions from. This can be completed in the "Company Admin" section on the "Manage User" page where you may use the "User Search" or "Modify User" menu links to search for the user. After the user information is displayed, select the "Add as a Copy" button located at the bottom of the page. For further assistance with the search options, please here.
The "Add as a Copy" button will copy all user permissions from the Login ID including: Website, Application Access, Environment and Resp Org ID(s). After the permissions have been copied, please enter in the new user information. If you would like to make any modifications to the other permissions, select the "Continue" button. Once you have verified the entered information is accurate, you may select the "Submit" button to send the request to the Help Desk for processing.
When selecting the "Submit" button, a window alert will appear offering the ability to configure the notification profile for the new user. Upon completing or canceling the notification profile for the new user, you will receive a confirmation message stating, "User XXXXXXXX is successfully created on the Somos Portal Website and any Application Access permissions are pending processing by the Help Desk in the next 1-2 business days.".