In Step 3 of the User Profile request, it provides you, as a Primary Contact, Company Administrator and User Administrator, with the ability to assign the new user with permission to the TFNRegistry™ ( via the Somos® Portal Website ( This portion of the page will be available for any user with the "Billable" option selected on the "Website Permissions" portion of the "Add User" page. By creating a user with access to the applications within Somos, your company acknowledges they will be billed based on the access rates outlined in the TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff.
There are 2 main applications: "Production" and "Reporting". By selecting the "Production" option, it will provide the new user with access to the Production TFNRegistry and by selecting the "Reporting" option it will provide the new user with access to the TFNRegistry Reporting. Please select the "Yes" field next to the main applications. Please Note: If the new user only wants access to Reporting, please only check this option for main applications and then select the "Continue" button.
After selecting the user’s needs related to the main applications, you may select the "Secondary Applications [+]" for the new user by selecting the plus sign [+] to expand the page. Please select one or more of the following applications:
- SQL.NET/SFTP: Select this option if the new user will need access to Reporting via SQL*Net or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). This option provides the ability to upload SQL scripts to generate reports.
- Sandbox: Select this option if the new user will need permissions to the Sandbox Environment. This was previously known as the Delta Test Environment. This option provides the new user with an area to run developed test plans without impacting the Production data in the TFNRegistry.
After completing all the fields for the "Application Access" portion of the page, please select the "Continue" button to proceed to Step 4 of this request, "Environment Permissions".