Customer Record (CR) Statuses |
CR Status |
Descriptions |
Valid Values |
Old |
The record has been replaced by another ACTIVE or SENDING record with a later Eff. Date/Time. An OLD record cannot be modified. |
A record whose status was previously ACTIVE or SENDING. |
Invalid |
An INVALID record bears a future Eff. Date/Time. When an INVALID record reaches its Eff. Date/Time, it is not sent to the Service Control Points (SCPs) but becomes a FAILED record. |
A record did not pass validations after an attempted update. |
Disconnect |
Normal service for the Toll-Free Number (TFN) has been discontinued. Callers will receive a recorded message. (If Referral=Y, the message will refer them to a new number; if Referral=N, the message will simply state that the number is no longer in service). The record remains in the SCP and in TFNRegistry™ until it reaches the End Intercept Date specified on the Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR). |
A PENDING record with ACTION=D (Disconnect) or ACTION=R (change made to a disconnect record) reaches its Eff. Date/Time, and the record is loaded into the SCP(s). |
Must Check |
This can occur if:
The record has field entries that may no longer be appropriate.
Failed |
The record's CR STATUS will become FAILED under the following circumstances:
The record has not been activated in any SCP.
Hold |
When a HOLD record reaches its Eff. Date/Time, the record is not sent to the SCPs. The HOLD status can only be removed prior to the Eff. Date/Time. If the HOLD is not removed and the Eff. Date/Time is reached, no changes can be made to the record; to remove the HOLD, the record must be transferred to a later Eff. Date/Time. HOLD records remain in HOLD status until the Resp Org removes the HOLD on the record. HOLD status can only be removed prior to the record’s Effective Date/Time. If the HOLD is not removed and the Effective Date/ Time is reached, then no changes can be made to the record; in this scenario, to remove the HOLD, the record must be copied or transferred to a future Effective Date/Time. Hold status is not supported for Template records, yet is supported for regular CRs and Pointer Records (PADs) (also known as PRs). |
A record has been placed on hold by request of the customer or the control Resp Org (HOLD=Y on the CAD window).
Saved |
This is a modified record which was saved rather than updated after modification. If a SAVED record reaches its Eff. Date/Time, it is not sent to the SCPs because it did not finish all validations and the CR STATUS becomes FAILED. |
The record is stored in TFNRegistry, but is not yet completely validated.
Pending |
A PENDING record can be accessed and modified. When a PENDING record reaches its Eff. Date/Time, its CR STATUS becomes SENDING and the record is sent to the affected SCPs. Records with any other status such as HOLD, INVALID, MUST CHECK or SAVED do not become SENDING and are not sent to the SCPs when they reach their Eff. Date/Time. |
The record has passed all validations and has a future Eff. Date/Time.
Sending |
For those SCPs that have responded “OK,” the record is essentially ACTIVE, even if the CR STATUS is still SENDING. After all affected SCPs successfully receive the record, the CR STATUS actually becomes ACTIVE. A SENDING record cannot be modified. |
The record is being sent to the affected SCPs, but at least one SCP has not yet responded with an OK status.
Active |
Only one ACTIVE record can exist for a DIAL# at a time. An ACTIVE record cannot be modified. |
The one record for the TFN that is currently working in all affected SCPs. |