The Primary Contact, Company Administrator or a Special Approver (the Special Approver will need to have access to the Manage Primary Contact or Company Name request) has the ability to change their company information listed on the Somos® Portal Website ( The Manage Primary Contact or Company Name request may be used to designate the Primary Contact of a Responsible Organization (Resp Org) or Service Control Point (SCP). The Primary Contact will have administrative access to all Somos requests pertaining to the day to day relationship of the Resp Org/SCP with Somos. The Primary Contact is involved in fee based decisions and in determining the permission structures of their company’s users. Please Note: The provided Primary Contact’s information will automatically be included on the Somos Primary Contact list on the Somos Portal Website and be available to all active Resp Orgs.
Once on the "Submit Requests" section, select the "Manage Primary Contact or Company Name" request and a window will overlay with four options to manage the company information. The available options are:
- Change the person assigned as the Primary Contact: Selecting this option will load the "Manage Entity" page and provide the ability to assign a new Primary Contact by selecting a new user from a list of your organization’s existing users in the "Primary Contact" field.
- Change the name of your company: Selecting this option will load the "Manage Entity" page and provide the ability to modify your company’s name by changing the "Entity Name" field data.
- Change information of the currently assigned Primary Contact: Selecting this option will load the "User Profile" page of your organization’s existing Primary Contact and provide the ability to modify the user information, website permissions, application access, environment permissions and Resp Org ID permissions for the Primary Contact.
- Create a new user and assign as Primary Contact: Selecting this option will load a blank "User Profile" page and provide the ability to create a new user and assign them as the Primary Contact. Please Note: Prior to creating a new Login ID please ensure that the user does not already exist. If the new Primary Contact does not have a Login ID, a Login ID needs to be created. You may review a list of existing users by selecting the "Company Admin" section of the Somos Portal Website. Once the "Company Admin" section appears, select the "Manage Company Users" menu item. For additional assistance with adding a new user, please click here. Once you have completed the request, select the "Submit" button to send the request to the Help Desk for processing.
Note: Creating or modifying a user with a Billable type of access will render a charge on your next invoice. Please acknowledge that "I understand that an additional tariff fee will be applied for the creation or the reactivation of each Login ID" by placing a check box in the box to the left of this field on Step 2 (Website Permissions) of the User Profile. This acknowledgement is mandatory for a new or a reactivation of a User Profile if the “Billable” checkbox has been selected. If this option is left unchecked, then no Billable changes are applied to the User Profile. |
Once you have made the necessary modifications, select the "Submit" button to send the request to the Help Desk for processing. Please Note: For a change of the Primary Contact, the Help Desk will notify the approver within 3 business days.