The Toll-Free Subscriber of a Toll-Free Number (TFN) can move their number from one Responsible Organization (Resp Org) company to another Resp Org company. This Resp Org change can be accomplished using one of two options. The first option involves a "friendly port" Resp Org Change, which may be completed by the Controlling (current, old) Resp Org. To complete a "friendly port" Resp Org Change on a TFN not under your Resp Org ID, you will need to submit the Resp Org Change request for any TFN that requires a valid Letter of Agency (LOA) to complete the port request on the TFNRegistry™ ( via the Resp Org Change (ROC) System. The use of the ROC System became mandated as of June 30, 2017; as required by the TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff which is on file with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). If you would like to utilize the ROC System, please select the "Resp Org Change Tools" section within the TFNRegistry and then select the "ROC Submit Request (RSB)" sub menu item. Once the page is displayed, enter the required information and then select the "Submit" button to submit a ROC request to the Controlling Resp Org. It is important to know that access to the "Resp Org Change Tools" section within the TFNRegistry is permission based. If you do not have access to this section, please contact your Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for assistance.
For more information on completing a ROC request via the ROC System within the TFNRegistry, please review the, "Resp Org Change System User Guide" document.
The second option for completing the Resp Org Change is accomplished by an authorized user of the Submitting (new) Resp Org escalating the request to the Help Desk after submitting the Resp Org Change request through the ROC System. If the Controlling Resp Org has not responded to the Resp Org Change request or declined it within 2 business days within the ROC System, the Submitting Resp Org will have an opportunity to escalate the request to the Help Desk. Please Note: Business days do not start on the day of the submission but the day following. Weekends and specific Holidays are currently excluded). All Resp Org Change requests submitted to the Help Desk requires a valid LOA signed by the end user acknowledging their desire to change their number to the Submitting Resp Org. When submitting the Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention (ROC HDI) request, the Submitting Resp Org acknowledges the current tariff rate for each TFN changed during the request.
Please Note: A ROC HDI request may be submitted directly to the Help Desk via the TFNRegistry (
- It falls under Chapter 3.2.7 of the Industry Guidelines for the Toll-Free Number Administration document;
- It falls under special circumstances. For more information on these special circumstances, please click here;
- It is classified as a Special Number (e.g. BRCUD, BRDUP, BRRCC, BRDXX, etc.).
Please Note: The access to the ROC HDI request is permission based. If you do not have access to this request, please contact your Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for assistance. On the ROC HDI request in the "Submit Requests" section of the Somos Portal Website, in Step 1, you will be able to select or complete the following fields:
- Emergency Resp Org Change: Select this option if the request is to be completed on the date the request is being submitted.
- Non-Emergency Resp Org Change: Select this option if the request is to be processed at a future date. Please enter the date that you would like the Resp Org change to be completed. The future date can be any date within the next 30 days.
- Effective Date: If you selected "Emergency Resp Org Change" this field will be populated with Today’s date. If you selected "Non-Emergency Resp Org Change" this field will not be populated and you will need to enter the future date you would like the request to be processed. Please Note: The LOA must be dated within 30 days of the future date in order to be processed.
- Old Resp Org: Enter the 5 character Resp Org ID of the Controlling Resp Org as listed within the TFNRegistry for the provided number(s). You can look up the Controlling Resp Org ID for the TFN(s) via the Number Query and Update (NQU) page prior to completing this request. If you have one or more TFNs for this HDI request, you can also use the Multi Number Query (MNQ) page to look up the Controlling Resp Org ID. If they are under different Controlling Resp Org IDs, a separate HDI request will need to be submitted.
- New Resp Org: Enter the 5 character Resp Org ID of the Submitting Resp Org that the provided number(s) will be changed to within the TFNRegistry.
- Up to 15 Numbers: Select this option and enter the number(s) that will be changed to the Submitting Resp Org ID. Up to 15 numbers can be entered in the field provided.
- More than 15 Numbers: Select this option if more than 15 numbers are being submitted with the request. Please attach a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file containing a list of the numbers. If assistance is needed with the required CSV format, please select the "Help" link below the file upload. The "Help" link will open an overlay window with the CSV upload guidelines.
- Please Note: If you want to avoid the 15 TFNs split on the ROC HDI request, you can submit a list of TFNs (for current ROC parameters which are listed on the System Parameter Handling (SPH) page, please click here) in an Excel workbook (.xls, .xlsx) or a CSV file to the Help Desk via the ROC HDI Request, which is located in the "Request Library" menu item of the TFNRegistry.
After selecting the "Continue" button, if the Controlling Resp Org ID does not end in 99, you will be directed to Step 3. If the current Resp Org ID ends in 99, you will be directed to the Step 2 to complete the following required fields:
- I am aware that…: If the Controlling Resp Org ID ends in 99, (e.g. XXX99, where XXX represents the first 3 letters of the Resp Org ID code) please place a checkmark before the "I am aware that…" field. Additionally, enter the first 3 characters of the old Resp Org ID, (e.g. XXX) in the box in front of the 99 field.
For additional information on Resp Org ID’s that end in 99, please refer to sections 3.2.6 and 3.2.7 in the "Industry Guidelines for the Toll-Free Number Administration" document.
In Step 3 of this request, you will be able to select your verification method and attach the Letter of Agency (LOA). At least one of the LOA verification methods must be selected. For additional information on the LOA requirements, please click here. If you would like to add additional notes or documentation, please select the "Continue" button to proceed to Step 4 of this request, or you can select the "Submit" button to complete the request.
In Step 4 of this request, please review your submitter information. If you wish to add notes or alternate contact information regarding this request, please utilize the space provided. Additional documentation may also be attached to the request. Once you have completed the request, select the "Submit" button to send the request to the Help Desk for processing.
After the request has been received and no errors were found, the Help Desk will process the request in the TFNRegistry and an email notification will be sent to the submitter of the request and to the email addresses entered in the "Change Notification Email" field located on the Somos Portal Website for both the Controlling and Submitting Resp Orgs.
Change Notification Email Address
The Primary Contact, Company Administrator or a Special Approver (the Special Approver will need to have access to the Manage Primary Contact or Company Name request) has the ability to designate and/or update the Resp Org change notification email address on the Somos Portal Website. By populating the "Change Notification Email" field, the entered email address will be notified when the control of a TFN changes from your company or moves to your company if a Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention request was completed by the Help Desk. The "Change Notification Email" field may be changed for your Primary Resp Org by using one of two options.
The first option is to select the "Company Admin" section and selecting the "Modify Company" menu link located under the "Manage Company" menu link. Next, enter your Resp Org ID you would like to change and select the "Submit" button. After your company information is displayed, update the "Change Notification Email" field and then select the "Submit" button to complete the request.
The second option is to select the "My Info" section. Once the "My Info" section is displayed, please select the "My Company" menu link and select the "Edit" button. The "Change Notification Email" field will now be editable. After you have updated the "Change Notification Email" field, select the "Submit" button to complete the request.
Letter of Agency
A Letter of Agency (LOA) must accompany each TFN listed on a Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention request that is submitted to the Help Desk. The Submitting Resp Org is responsible for ensuring the validity of the LOA (see section 3.2.3 of the Industry Guidelines for the Toll-Free Number Administration document). Each LOA must include 4 elements (Signature/eSignature/PIN, Date, TFNs, and new Resp Org Company information):
Signature of the end-user/subscriber via Wet Signature, Electronic Signature (eSignature), or PIN (stamped signatures will not be accepted). The Submitting Resp Org is expected to validate the customer-signed LOA.
- If your company is interested in utilizing eSignatures or PIN (Third Party Verification (TPV)), Special requests must be submitted to the Help Desk via the Somos Portal Website prior to use in the Somos Portal Website or within the TFNRegistry. If you would like to obtain access to the Special Request, please contact your Primary Contact or Company Administrator for assistance. For additional information regarding the requirements for using eSignatures, please click here, or here for more information on TPV requirements.
- If your company is interested in utilizing eSignatures or PIN (Third Party Verification (TPV)), Special requests must be submitted to the Help Desk via the Somos Portal Website prior to use in the Somos Portal Website or within the TFNRegistry. If you would like to obtain access to the Special Request, please contact your Primary Contact or Company Administrator for assistance. For additional information regarding the requirements for using eSignatures, please click here, or here for more information on TPV requirements.
- Date within the last 30 days from the change date specified on the Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention request.
- TFN(s) to be changed. If you are submitting a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file attachment for a list of more than 15 numbers, please state the words "see attached" with the beginning and ending numbers on the LOA.
The LOA must be from the new Resp Org’s company. This could include any of the following:
- Letterhead with the new Resp Org’s logo, Company Name/ID, and text that designates the new Resp Org (name or ID) for the respective number. In addition to the text, the Help Desk will accept a line that states, "New Resp Org: New Resp Org name or ID".
- Letterhead from a reseller company, however the text must state that the customer is appointing the respective Resp Org (Company Name or ID) as the assigned Responsible Organization.
- A letter without letterhead is acceptable however the text must state that the customer is appointing the respective Resp Org as the assigned Responsible Organization.
- If a Resp Org ID is used, the Help Desk will validate it against the Entity on the Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention request.
Additional LOA requirements:
- The LOA cannot contain any movable textboxes, including the 4 elements of the LOA, and all information should be locked on the document and not support moving or editing of the data.
- The LOA may be submitted as a complete scanned image in a Microsoft Word document. The scanned image should not contain any movable textboxes.
- All of this information needs to be on one page unless submitting different LOAs for each TFN; however, each LOA must meet the criteria required listed above.