This is the expected workflow of a Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR)/Pointer Record (PAD) (also known as a PR) status transitions from inception or update request to the time it is sent to the Service Control Points (SCPs). The general expected mainline status flow of a CR from your input through activation in the network, until its replacement of a subsequent update is:
- Saved: When you enter CR/PR information, edit, build and save the CR/PR.
- Pending: After the CR/PR has been validated and posted to the TFNRegistryâ„¢ CR database with activation scheduled for a future Effective Date and Time.
- Sending: When the validated and carrier-approved record (as applicable) is activated on the Effective Date and Time, and versions of the CR/PR begin to be transmitted to all pertinent SCPs in the Common Channel Signal (CCS) Networks.
- Active: When it is confirmed active at all SCPs, it remains ACTIVE until superseded by a new ACTIVE record or new DISCONNECT record, and thus transitions to OLD status.