A Customer Record Administration (CRA) status indicates the status of the Customer Record (CAD) (also known as a CR)/Pointer Record (PAD) (also known as a PR) with respect to its validation in the TFNRegistry™ and its activation status at the Service Control Points (SCPs). The TFNRegistry automatically generates the CR/PR status. Because these statuses are well known to the user community and they are regarded as fundamental to CR/PR processing, they must be preserved in the TFNRegistry.
The TFNRegistry shall support the following arguments and associated meanings for a CR/PR’s status, based on the CR/PR's current stage of validation, processing, and activation. Only a single status value will apply to the CR/PR at any given date and time.
- Saved: The record is stored in the TFNRegistry but is not completely validated, because it has not yet been submitted by the user after it was created or modified. This state applies to new CRs/PRs that may not be completely built or previously SAVED or PENDING CRs/PRs that have been copied and/or modified from another CR/PR but not submitted.
- Pending: The record has passed all validations and has a future Effective Date and Time. A PENDING record can be accessed and modified provided the Effective Date is in the future (a past due pending usually implies something went wrong in the TFNRegistry). The record must then be transferred forward and re-validated. Records specified for immediate activation (with an Effective Date and Time of “now”) must also pass through the PENDING state before they are subject to activation processing and enter the SENDING state.
- Sending: The record is being sent to all pertinent SCPs, but not all those SCPs have responded with an OK status, meaning the CR/PR may be activated in one or some, but less than all SCPs. Sending records cannot be modified and there can be only one sending record at a time. Any changes to the customer’s service for the Toll-Free Number (TFN) must be made by creating a new future CR/PR, or “copying forward” the latest of the SENDING or ACTIVE customer records to a new future Effective Date and Time and then modifying it. When all the SCPs subsequently respond with an OK [acceptance] indication, the status will then transition to ACTIVE or DISCONNECT.
- Active: The record for the TFN that is currently working in all pertinent SCPs. Only one active record can exist for a TFN at any given time. An active record cannot be modified. Any changes to the customer’s service for the TFN must be made by creating a new CR/PR, or “copying forward” the latest of the SENDING or ACTIVE CR/PR to a new future Effective Date and Time and then modifying it.
- Old: A record whose status was previously ACTIVE, DISCONNECT, or SENDING, but which has since been replaced by another ACTIVE, DISCONNECT, or SENDING record with a later Effective Date and Time, or has since been deleted at the SCPs. Previously DISCONNECT records transition to OLD after their Disconnect End Intercept Date has been reached and they are deleted from the SCPs and the status of TFN changes to TRANSITIONAL. Previous ACTIVE records also transition to OLD if they are immediately disconnected without intercept and are deleted from the SCPs. OLD records cannot be modified. They are temporarily maintained in the TFNRegistry for reference or copying for service rollback or recovery, and are periodically purged from the TFNRegistry.
- Invalid: The record did not pass validations after being submitted by the user and its Effective Date and Time has not yet been reached. It remains in the TFNRegistry but it will not be sent to the SCPs if/when its Effective Date and Time are reached. Invalid records may be modified and resubmitted.
- Disconnect: Normal service for the TFN has been discontinued and all callers are receiving disconnected TFN or referral TFN announcements. This state is reached when a PENDING record with a populated Disconnect Intercept Indicator reaches it’s Effective Date and Time and is then successfully activated at all pertinent SCPs. The record in this state has a specified Disconnect Intercept End Date later than the Effective Date and Time. Only one record for a given TFN can be in the DISCONNECT state.
- Must Check: A previously validated and pending record must be revalidated as its data may no longer be appropriate since other pending CRs/PRs for the TFN with earlier Effective Dates and Times have been defined (inserted) in the activation sequence.
- Failed: The record has reached its Effective Date and Time, but has not been successfully activated at any SCP because it remained SAVED, INVALID, MUST CHECK, or PENDING without required carrier approval at that time, or was in the SENDING state and has been rejected by all SCPs to which it was sent.
- Hold: The record has been placed on hold by request of the customer or the Controlling (current, old) Resp Org, as indicated by the Hold Indicator in its CAD or PAD portion set to “Yes”. A CR/PR in the HOLD state is retained in the TFNRegistry, but is not released (sent) to the SCPs at its Effective Date and Time, even if it is otherwise valid and approved. The HOLD status applies to regular CRs/PRs, but not to Template Records (TADs) (also known as TRs). HOLD status allows users to indefinitely delay activation of a CR/PRs if there is some problem with other coordinated aspects of the Toll-Free service, such as the terminating lines or call centers not being ready to accommodate the service.
For more information on the CR workflow and its status transitions, please click here.