Request is Taking Longer than Expected
During unusual circumstances, if a response to any of the requests is taking longer than expected, the following pop-up message will be displayed until the response is available. You should just wait for the response.
Multiple Error/Warning Messages
You can get multiple error or warning messages while working on some pages. A Template Record (TAD) (also known as a TR) is considered to show this scenario. A “More Details” button will be displayed when there are error or warning messages while creating the record.
By selecting the “More Details” button, the Error/Warning Messages Sticky Notes pop-up will be displayed with a list of messages. You can click the “Sticky Notes” icon to hide it. If you click on it again, it will unhide it. Once the information is updated in the page, you can select the “Close” icon to exit the Sticky Notes pop-up window.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.