When you enter a valid Toll-Free Number (TFN) in the corresponding field on the retrieved Template Record (TAD) (also known as TR) page, the TFN will be auto-formatted automatically. After the number has been entered, you must click anywhere on the page for auto-format. If you enter a number in invalid format, an error message will be displayed. In the TR page, the following fields will be auto-formatted:
Basic TAD:
- Contact Number
- 10 Digit
- 10 Digit
Copy/Transfer Template Record Pop-Up Window:
- Toll-Free Number/Template
Please Note: If you upload an Excel workbook for creating a TR, all the numbers in the valid format will be auto-formatted after upload. While an error message will be displayed for all the numbers that are in invalid format.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.