Responsible Organization (Resp Org) users can directly access the TFNRegistry™ User Interface (UI) (, API and Reporting without the need for a secure network connection (i.e. it is available via the Public Internet). The Public Internet network connectivity method also allows Resp Orgs to connect to Reporting via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and SQL*NET, and provides access to the Number Status Report.
Please Note: To access Reporting, your Login ID must have permissions to Reporting and/or permissions to SFTP/SQL*NET. If you need either of these permissions, please contact your Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for assistance.
Additionally, in order to connect to SFTP, SQL*NET and/or access the Number Status Report, your Resp Org's external (public) IP address(es) must be whitelisted on the Somos® firewall. The whitelisting of an external IP address(es) is at the Resp Org's Entity (first two characters of the Resp Org ID) level. This is for security purposes. For more information regarding SFTP and SQL*NET configuration, please click here.
Please Note: As of April 1, 2021, the Number Status Report is delivered to Resp Orgs over the public internet via a website: In addition to the requirements listed above, for an additional layer of security, the Number Status Report also requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Please submit a separate Special Request to obtain connectivity to SFTP/SQL*NET and/or access the Number Status Report with the information provided here. Please Note: Dynamic IP addresses are subject to change. If the IP address has changed, you will need to submit a new Special Request for access to SFTP/SQL*NET and/or the Number Status Report.