The Mass Carrier Change Prior Identification Affected Customer Record table contains data related to the Customer Records affected by a Mass Carrier Change. Only the affected Customer Records, which are in the Responsible Organization's control and for which update permission is allowed, are reported.
The Mass Carrier Change ID process generates this data prior to the Carrier Identification Code (CIC) conversion. The Resp Org in control of the Customer Records should look at the affected areas for the records that require manual intervention and access the appropriate page (i.e. CPR, CAD, LAD) to make the appropriate change (see Table 79 RHDB_MCC_AFFECTED_PRIOR).
Included in this table are the following fields:
- The Mass Carrier Change ID.
- The CICs that were used to identify affected records.
- The run date and time, which identifies when the Mass Carrier Change ID/Conversion process searches the Customer Record database in order to generate the report.
- The Mass Change start and end date.
- The Dial# for the affected Customer Record.
- The Effective Date for the Customer Record.
- Indicator identifying if the Customer Record will be converted by the Mass Carrier Change process or if manual conversion is required.
- The current status of the Customer Record.
- The Responsible Organization for the Dial#.
- An indication as to whether or not the CAD or both the CAD and CPR portion of the record is affected.
Field |
Characters |
Description |
MccId |
Char (8) |
The unique ID for this Mass Carrier Change. |
OldCICList |
varchar (54) |
The list of the CICs that were used as search parameters to identify affected records. |
RunDateTime |
Date |
The date the Mass Carrier Change ID/Conversion process searches the Customer Record database. |
MccStartDate |
Date |
The earliest date that the new CIC may be used for routing. |
MccEndDate |
Date |
The date by which all affected records must be converted to the new CIC. |
DialNbr |
varchar2 (15) |
A 10 digit Toll-Free Number (DIAL#) or Template Name. |
EffectiveDate |
Date |
The Effective Date/Time of the listed Customer Record. |
AutoManualFlag |
Char (1) |
Indicates if the Customer Record will be converted by the Mass Carrier Change process or if manual conversion will be required. |
CrStatus |
Char (1) |
The status of the Customer Record. Status and definitions are:
RespOrg |
Char (5) |
The responsible organization for the DIAL#. |
AffectedField |
Char (1) |
Indicates whether just the CAD or both the CAD and CPR portion of the record is affected. Values are:
The index and fields used for the RHDB_MCC_AFFECTED_PRIOR table are:
Index Name |
Fields Used |
rhdb_MCC_Affected_Post_idx1 |
rhdb_MCC_Affected_Post_idx2 |
rhdb_MCC_Affected_Post_idx3 |