The RHDB Invalid 6-Digit Rejected CR table contains the rejected Customer Records generated by the CR Batch Tool (in “RM” mode - removing invalid 6-Digit in Customer Records) after it has been executed. The data is accessible by authorized users. A Resp Org user can access/view the data they have permissions for (see Table 75 RHDB_INVALID6D_CRREJECT).
Field |
Characters |
Description |
Rundatetime |
Timestamp |
Indicates the date & time when the tool is run. Format YYYYMMDDHH24MISSTTT. |
Dialnbr |
varchar2(15) |
Indicates the Toll-Free Number (DIAL#) or Template Name of the affected Customer Record that has invalid 6-Digit data. |
Effectivedate |
Date |
Indicates the Effective Date of the associated Customer Record. Format YYMMDDHH24MI. |
Resporg |
varchar2(5) |
Controlling Resp Org of the Customer Record. |
CRStatus |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates the status of the associated Customer Record; Possible values is Invalid |
Reasonrejected |
varchar2 (4) |
Indicates the reason why the affected CR is rejected during the conversion. Valid reasons:
Nphoneaffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the nphone field in CAD/TAD has invalid 6-Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |
Terminatingnbraffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the terminating number field in CAD/TAD has invalid 6-Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |
Lsoaffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the lso field in CAD/TAD has invalid 6- Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |
Aoslabelaffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the AOS label in CAD/TAD has invalid 6-Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |
Cpraffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the CPR of the associated CR has invalid 6-Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |
Ladaffected |
varchar2 (1) |
Indicates whether the LAD of the associated CR has invalid 6-Digit data or not. “Y” or “N”. |