When retrieving an Area of Service (AOS) Label Definitions (ASL), if the provided Label Name does not exist you will be asked to confirm the creation of the ASL.
After selecting the “Yes” button, you can provide the desired Label Name and if it does not previously exist, the Create ASL page will be displayed.
On the Create ASL page, you must provide the following mandatory information in the corresponding fields to create an ASL:
- Type
- Effective Date
- Resp Org
- You must select the Type from the Type drop down menu on the ASL page.
- By selecting a desired type of ASL, the values for that type will be displayed.
- Provide the Effective Date. Please Note: When creating a new AOS label, the Effective Date must be between the current date plus 1 day and one year from the current date.
- Provide the values (i.e. definitions) in the fields based on the type previously selected.
- Select the “Submit” button to save the ASL. When the creation is successful a message stating, “Area of Service Label Definitions Created Successfully” is displayed at the top of the page.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information on how to update an ASL, please click here, or here for more information on the ASL page's fields, their descriptions, and their valid values.