The Submission History (SHY) page will display with pre-set search options (i.e. filters). By default, the search options are pre-set to show all submitted Responsible Organization (Resp Org) Change (ROC) Help Desk Intervention (HDI) Requests for your Resp Org's Entity ID (first 2 characters of your Resp Org ID) within the last 30 days. To obtain this, the default search options are pre-set to the following:
- Request Type: Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention
- Request Status: All
- Submitted: Last 30 Days
You can modify the pre-set search options. You can select as few or as many of the search options that you would like to narrow your search by. By selecting the “Submit” button, it will refresh the results displayed on this page based upon your selected search options. This button may be selected at any time.
The available search options for submitted requests for your Resp Org's Entity ID include the following:
- Request Type: Select the desired submitted request that you are looking for.
- Status: Select “All” to apply search to all requests or select another available Status option; Pending, Rejected, and Processed.
Show: Select how far back in the past you want to search the submitted requests: 30, 90, 365 days or use the Date Range option. If you selected the Date Range option, then Start Date and End Date fields will display. You can select the Start and End Date by entering in the dates in their corresponding fields or by using the “Calendar”
Once the “Submit” button has been selected, the Results portion of the SHY page will display with a confirmation message, “Submission History Retrieved Successfully”.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information about the SHY page's fields, their descriptions and their valid values, please click here.