ROC Request Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Request Type |
Type of Responsible Organization (Resp Org) Change (ROC) request that is made. |
Required field. Valid Values:
By default, the “Resp Org Change” option will be pre-selected. You can change this to the desired Request Type option as desired. |
Use My Information |
Contact information of the user currently submitting the request. This information is obtained from their User Profile under the “My Profile” menu item of the “My Info” section of the Somos Portal Website. Additionally, it is maintained you or by your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s). If you need to make any updates to it, simply navigate to the “My Info” section of the Somos Portal Website. After the page has been displayed, edit the necessary information on Step 1 of your User Profile, and then select the “Submit” button. Any updates made to the user's profile on Step 1 or Step 2 within the Somos Portal Website are instantaneous. However, only the user's email address will be updated accordingly within the TFNRegistry™ instantaneously. |
Required field. Valid Values:
By default, the “Use My Information” option will be pre-selected. You can change this to the “Use Change Contact Information option as desired. |
Use Change Contact Information |
Information of the change contact within your Resp Org. This information is obtained from your Resp Org's Profile in the “Manage Company” menu item under the “Company Admin” section of the Somos Portal Website. Additionally, it is maintained by your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s). Please contact them for further assistance with updating this information. If you are a Resp Org Primary Contact or Company Administrator and you need more information, please click here. Any updates made to the user's profile on Step 1 or Step 2 within the Somos Portal Website are instantaneous. However, only the user's email address will be updated accordingly within the TFNRegistry instantaneously.
Required field. Valid Values: Name
By default, the “Use My Information” option will be pre-selected. You can change this to the “Use My Information” option as desired. |
Notes/Alternate Contact Information |
Notes left by the submitter of the ROC request for the Toll-Free Number(s) (TFN(s)) in the ROC request. |
Optional field. Text string. Up to 151 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; . ? / . The following characters are not permitted: ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |
Toll-Free Numbers |
One or more TFNs that the Submitting (new) Resp Org wants to manage. |
Required field. TFNs must be in entered in the format of 844-439-7666 or 8444397666. |
New Resp Org ID |
Resp Org ID of the Submitting Resp Org who is requesting the TFN(s). |
Required field. 5 alphanumeric characters. |
Attachment Type |
Type of Letter of Agency (LOA) Attachment Type that you can upload. |
Required field. Valid Values:
Add Related Documents |
You can upload up to 4 Related Documents. |
Optional field. Valid File Types: