By selecting “Generate LOA Attachment” (formerly known as Get Standard LOA) option for the Letter of Agency (LOA) Attachment Type on the Responsible Organization (Resp Org) Change (ROC) Request (RSB) page, it will allow you to create a Standard LOA with the ROC and the contact information submitted in the ROC Request. When you select the “Generate LOA Attachment” option, then a “Generate” button will be enabled.
Next, select the “Generate” button and it will open a “Standard LOA Information” pop-up window.
You must enter the subscriber information (Toll-Free Subscriber First Name, Toll-Free Subscriber Last Name, Subscriber Address 1, Subscriber Address 2, Subscriber City, Subscriber Zip Code, Subscriber State, Authorized Contact Name, Contact Title, Contact Telephone #, Ext #, Email, Resp Org Instructions, and End User Information). Fields marked with (*) are required.
After the required information has been added, select the “Submit” button on the pop-up window. By selecting the “Cancel” button, it will close the Standard LOA Information pop-up window. Once you select the "Submit" button on the pop-up window, you will be navigated to the RSB page again. You must select the "Submit" button on the RSB page to generate and download the Standard LOA document.
Once you select the “Submit” button, a Standard LOA pop-up window will display with further instructions. Simply, review the instructions and then select the “Download Standard LOA” button to proceed.
This will open the unique barcoded document and the Standard LOA in a new tab of your browser. You can print this document to obtain the end subscriber's signature and date it. Close the tab after reviewing the information, printing it and/or saving it to your desktop. For more information on your next steps after getting the Standard LOA signed and dated, please click here.
Please Note: Only Portable Document Format (PDF) and Tagged Image File Format (TIF/TIFF) file types can be attached to the ROC request. If TIF or TIFF file type is attached, the file will be automatically converted to a PDF file type. Total size of all file cannot exceed 4 MB; this is a configurable limit.
On a successful ROC request submission to the ROC System, it will display a confirmation message at the top of the page stating, “Resp Org Change Request Submitted Successfully” and a new RSB page will be displayed.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
The following are some of the important facts related to submitting a ROC request with a Standard (generated) LOA:
- Submitted ROC requests pending the receipt of a Standard LOA will not be sent to the Controlling (current, old) Responsible Organization (Resp Org) until the Standard LOA has been received.
- The Standard LOA's barcoded document (formerly known as the Standard LOA Cover Sheet) is required via the Standard LOA option.
- The Standard LOA's barcoded document should be sent in a single upload file with barcoded document being first followed by the Standard LOA. The total file size of the documentation attached to the request cannot exceed 4 MB; this is a configurable limit. If the uploaded file exceeds the file size limit, you will be notified with an email notification informing you that the Standard LOA attachment failure is due to restriction on the document file size.
- The submit date and time of the ROC request will be set to the date and time when the Standard LOA barcoded document and the Standard LOA have been uploaded.
- Please Note: If you selected this option for the ROC request, the Standard LOA's barcoded document and the Standard LOA will need to be attached within 48 hours; otherwise, the submitted ROC request will expire.