Number Query and Update (NQU)
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Access the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Retrieve Information for a TFN via the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Update Information for a TFN via the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What are the Fields, their Descriptions and Valid Values for the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Acting As Feature for the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Happens When the Acting As, Controlling Resp Org and TFN’s Resp Org are the Same for the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Happens When the Acting As and TFN’s Resp Org are the Same while Controlling Resp Org is Different for the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What Happens When the Acting As Resp Org is Different from the TFN’s Resp Org and Controlling Resp Org for the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the FCC 45 Day Rule for returning TFNs to the Spare Pool?
- TFNRegistry UI: How do I Use the Auction Flag Feature on the NQU Page?
- TFNRegistry UI: What is the "Closed Code TFN" Error Message Displayed on the NQU Page?