- On the TFNRegistry™ Landing page, you must select the “Help” icon.
- After the “Chat Help” icon has been selected, a “Help” pop-up window will be displayed. You must select the “Live Chat” button. Once the “Live Chat” button has been selected, a “Chat with Somos!” pop-up window will be displayed.
Now, you must enter your Name, Email, and a Message in the corresponding fields and then, select the “Start Chat” button to start the chat. The next available agent will join and respond to chat.
- You can view the Queue position for your request.
- Once the chat starts, you can chat with the agent, follow the instructions and then view the requested information.
- Once the chat has been completed, you can select the “Exit” icon to end the chat.
Please Note: Live chat is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week (Monday - Friday). “Help” icon will be displayed, when “Live Chat” is not available. “Chat” icon will be displayed, when the Agent is available. For additional information on how to search for articles, please click here, or here on how to leave a message for an agent.
Your options on the “Chat with Somos!” pop-up window:
- You can select the “Attachment” icon to attach a file.
You can select the “More” icon to view the Sound, Email transcript, Edit contact details and End Chat information.
- By selecting the “Edit Contact Details” button, an “Edit Contact Details” pop-up window will be displayed. You can update their Name and their Email address in the corresponding fields and then you can select the “Save” button to save the contact information.
- By selecting the “Email Transcript” button, an “Email Chat Transcript” pop-up window will be displayed. You can enter an email address and select the “Send” button to send the chat transcription to that email address.
- By selecting the “End Chat” button, the chat will be ended.
- Alternatively, you can select the “Exit” icon to end and exit the chat.
After the chat has ended, a “Rate the Chat” button will be displayed.
- A request for rating message will appear in the “Rate the Chat” pop-up window. You can leave a comment and select the “Send” button.
- A request for rating message will appear in the “Rate the Chat” pop-up window. You can leave a comment and select the “Send” button.
- You can select the “Back” Arrow icon to go to the previous chat window.
- You can select the “Expand” Arrow icon to maximize the chat window.
- You can select the “Minimize” icon to minimize the chat window.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.