The TFNRegistry™ API sends the Automation Limit Change (UNS-ASL) Unsolicited Message to Resp Orgs that have this message configured in the Unsolicited Notice Control (GUN) page in the TFNRegistry. The Resp Org will receive this message whenever there is a change to at least one automation limit on the System Parameter Handing (SPH) page in the TFNRegistry User Interface (UI). The automation limits provided on the SPH page are for the TFNRegistry UI only. For the TFNRegistry API automation limits, please refer to the “API Overview” document. In the notification message, all the system limits are sent even if only one automation limit is changed.
End Point URL
JSON Format
JSON message structure for UNS-ASL message.
“RespOrgId”: “”,
“mnqLimit”: “”,
“mspLimit”: “”,
“mndLimit”: “”,
“mroLimit”: “”,
“mcpLimit”: “”
Parameter Descriptions
Table 9: UNS-ASL Parameter Descriptions
Table 9: UNS-ASL Parameter Descriptions |
Parameter |
Description |
RespOrgId |
It is the Resp Org ID of the user. Alphanumeric (5). |
mroLimit |
Automation Limit for Multi Number Resp Org Change (MRO). The maximum number of Toll-Free Numbers that can be entered in a single MRO request. Numeric (8). |
mspLimit |
Automation Limit for Multi Number Spare (MSP). The maximum number of Toll-Free Numbers that can be entered in a single MSP request. Numeric (8). |
mndLimit |
Automation Limit for Multi Record Disconnect (MND). The maximum number of Toll-Free Numbers/Templates that can be entered in a single MND request. Numeric (8). |
mnqLimit |
Automation Limit for Multi Number Query (MNQ). The maximum number of Toll-Free Numbers that can be entered in a single MNQ request. Numeric (8). |
mcpLimit |
Automation Limit for Multi Conversion to Pointer Records (MCP). The maximum number of Toll-Free Numbers that can be entered in a single MCP request. Numeric (8). |