Unsolicited Messages refer to communication that is not pairwise correlated, such as a one-time occurrence event in the TFNRegistry™ (see Figure 1: Unsolicited Messages High Level Flow Diagram). For Example: An event such as approval/denial of Customer Record owned by a Resp Org. These messages are sent to the API of the Resp Org.
Figure 1: Unsolicited Messages High Level Flow Diagram
Similar to Synchronous and Asynchronous Invocation, Unsolicited Messages are in JSON format and transported via HTTP protocol.
The following are the Unsolicited Messages that are currently supported by TFNRegistry:
- Online Reservation Notification (UNS-RSV) – This message is sent by TFNRegistry when a number reservation completes for a Resp Org which is subscribed. This message will be triggered if the number status changes from spare to reserve or from transitional to reserve.
- Customer Record Activation Notification (UNS-CRA) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry at download time of a Customer Record indicating whether the download attempt was successful or not. The Customer Record sent in the notification can be a regular (standard) Customer Record, Pointer Record or a Template Record.
- Unsolicited Approval Status (UNS-APP) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry to all affected carriers at download time, whenever any affected carrier either denies or has not responded to an approval request for a Customer Record (regular Customer Record, Pointer Record or Template Record). This message is sent so that all Resp Org Entities that are associated with a Customer Record (regular Customer Record or Pointer Record) change/new service or Template Record change/new service are informed that the record will not go into the ACTIVE/DISCONNECT status as desired.
- Carrier Approval Control (UNS-ACT) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry to the control Resp Org when all approvals are received for a Customer Record (regular Customer Record or Pointer Record) or Template Record, or when an involved carrier has denied an approval request. Non-response by a carrier will not trigger this message.
- Control Resp Org Change (UNS-RCH) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry to inform the new Resp Org that a Resp Org change has occurred, provided the new Resp Org has already subscribed to such notifications.
- Automation Limit Change (UNS-ASL) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry whenever there is a change to at least one system automation limit. These limits set the number of Toll-Free Numbers that can be processed on one automation request. If one or more limits change, the full set of system limits are sent. When a limit is changed, it applies to all TFNRegistry users.
- SMS Carrier Notification/Approval (UNS-SNA) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry whenever there is control Resp Org-initiated change resulting in new or changed service potentially affecting another Resp Org's number routing. The control Resp Org change may be a result of on-line, mechanized interface, or batch input. This message could also be sent by TFNRegistry if a new Customer Record involves a shared service arrangement between a LEC and an IC and the IC must be notified. The Customer Record (CR) change may be for a regular (standard) Customer Record, Pointer Record or Template Record. For a change to a Template Record that has Pointer Records pointing to it, the count of the number of Pointer Records will be returned on the UNS-SNA.
- Customer Record Audit/Resend Results (UNS-SCP) – This message is sent from TFNRegistry to a Resp Org when results of a Customer Record resend or Customer Record audit is available from one or more SCPs. The resend or audit must be initiated via the REQ-SCP message in order to receive this UNS-SCP message.