Resp Orgs must register to receive Unsolicited Messages using the “Unsolicited Messages*” in the "Submit Requests” section of the Somos Portal Website. On this request, Resp Orgs can provide their Resp Org's IP address and port or URL domain name for the Unsolicited Message(s) they would like to receive. For more information regarding this request, please refer to the “How to Submit a Request for Resp Org and SCP Owner/Operator” document. After the request has been submitted, it is received by the Help Desk for processing. Once the request has been processed, they can view what Unsolicited Messages they are registered for on the Unsolicited Notice Control (GUN) and Activation Notice Control (GAN) pages in the TFNRegistry UI (
Additionally, Resp Orgs may register to receive the Unsolicited Messages via Asynchronous Callback URLs by providing their notification destination details (e.g. URL domain and port) to the Help Desk via a “Special Request*” which is located in the “Submit Requests” section of the Somos Portal Website. For more information regarding this request, please refer to the “Help Guidelines and Practices” document.
Please Note: There is no registration required for receiving Unsolicited Messages via Synchronous Innovation within the TFNRegistry API.
* A valid Resp Org Login ID is required to gain access to the Somos Portal Website. In the event that you are not able to access the Somos Portal Website or these requests, please reach out to your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for further assistance.