The Service Control Point (SCP) ID Definition (SID) page is used to define and/or manage a new/existing SCP in the TFNRegistry™ ( The SCP ID Definition (SID) page is used to define and/or manage a new/existing SCP in the TFNRegistry. Prior to creating a new SCP ID, the CCS Network which it will be associated with must have already been defined via the CCS Network Information (NET) page and should be in the Active status. Likewise, updating any information about an existing SCP, other than changing the status to “Not Queued” requires the parent CCS Network ID to be in Active status.
To access the SID page from the TFNRegistry's Landing page or from any page, select the Menu icon (in the upper left corner), the “Network and SCP Administration” menu item and then the "SCP Administration (SID)" menu item. Once the "SCP Administration (SID)" sub-menu item has been selected, the sub-menu item will be highlighted and the SID page will be displayed. Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
Please Note: If you do not have permissions to the SID page within the Network and SCP Administration menu, the SID page will not be available to you. If you need permission to the SID page, you must contact your Responsible Organization's (Resp Org's) Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for assistance. SCP Administrators can add, modify and delete SCP information within their own network.
The following functions can be performed on the SCP Administration page:
- A list of the SCP Administration information details can be retrieved by providing one of the following fields:
- Add/Update SCP Admin information
- Send SCP Admin Reports
- Delete SCP Admin information