When a Resp Org is going to be disconnected in the TFNRegistry™ (tfnregistry.somos.com), the Help Desk will distribute a Somos® Notification to all Resp Orgs to notify them of the disconnection and will provide a list of Toll-Free Numbers associated with the disconnected Resp Org.
Following notification, all Customer Records previously associated with an individual disconnected Resp Org will be mass changed to a unique Resp Org ID code under the control of the Help Desk to assure easy identification and segregation of the records. For example: If Resp Org ZAZ01 is disconnected, all affected Customer Records under the Resp Org ID of ZAZ01 will be changed to BRDXX (where XX is 01 through 99). This move will also assure that all Resp Org billing associated with maintenance of the Customer Records will cease. When the records are transferred to the control of the Help Desk, the individual records will remain in their current status for 30 Days.
Resp Orgs interested in assuming responsibility for any of these Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) may notify the Help Desk via the standard Resp Org Change Help Desk Intervention request. Resp Orgs will also need to provide a valid Letter of Agency (LOA) dated within 30 days of the submitted request and a bill copy from the current assigned end user of the TFN dated within 90 days of a notification from Somos. If a new assigned end user is interested in the TFN(s), the TFN must be returned to the Spare pool first before obtaining it. The Help Desk will transfer the requested number(s) on a first come, first serve basis, to the Submitting (new) Resp Org at the normal Resp Org Change rate as specified in the TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff.
No later than 30 business days after the notification to all Resp Orgs, all of the associated Customer Records, which have not been moved to a new Resp Org ID, will be mass changed to a Disconnect status. The normal 120 days Disconnect interval will apply and after the expiration of the interval, all remaining Customer Records will be deleted and the associated Toll-Free Numbers returned to the Spare pool.