Requests: Special
Somos® has the capability to provide the users with a variety of reports from the information stored in the TFNRegistry™ Reporting ( There are reports available for users within the TFNRegistry. After you have successfully logged in, select the "TFN Registry Reporting" menu item. If this menu item is not available, please contact your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) to obtain Reporting permissions. The following report types are available to users:
- Normal reports (also known as Standard reports) are created by Somos for Resp Orgs. Standard reports can be copied from their folders, saved to Resp Org Entity folders and then can be customized. A listing of the Standard reports may also be found in the "SMS/800 TFN Registry Reporting User Guide" document. This document can be found in the Somos Portal Website ( in the "Find Documents" section.
- Ad Hoc reports (also known as User Created reports) are created from the Data Sources within the TFNRegistry Reporting, saved in Resp Org Entity folders and can be customized either by an authorized user with "Reporting" permissions or by the Help Desk (for a listing of these reports, please click here).
- Specialized TFNRegistry reports that currently exist and require no customization (for a listing of these reports, please click here.
The Number Administration History Report is generated from information obtained from the Number Administration database within the TFNRegistry Reporting and includes the date and time a Toll-Free Number is reserved from the Spare pool by a Resp Org and when the control of a Toll-Free Number has changed between Resp Orgs. It may be requested on the Somos Portal Website. After you have successfully logged into the Somos Portal Website and then selected the "Resources" section, the "Number Admin History Report" page will display automatically. On this page, you can generate a history report for a specific Toll-Free Number by using the dial pad or entering the number in the Toll-Free Number field and selecting the "Go" link. For additional help with this report, please select the "Need Help? Click here." link below the Toll-Free Number field or call or text the Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1. The results will be displayed on the bottom portion of the page and they can be downloaded into a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file by selecting the "Download Search Results" link on the lower right hand corner of the page.
All requests for online and offline reports must be submitted via the Special Request. The Help Desk provides reports in raw data format and does not support customization of the request report(s). Reports will be billed at the time of delivery. The request fields should be completed and the Request Description section should include the following information:
- Criteria for the Ad Hoc report, e.g. all numbers in a particular status, all numbers under a specific Resp Org ID(s), carrier information, etc. Please include the specific timeframe for the data that is being requested.
- Statement that acknowledges the Resp Org is willing to pay the current TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff rate for the report and an acknowledgement of the actual price for online reports or the hourly rate for offline reports. If the amount is unknown an hourly estimate can be provided by contacting the Help Desk.
- The file type of the report, such as Microsoft Excel or a text file (tab delimited). Please be specific. Every effort will be made to accommodate the format of the file type being requested. If the request cannot be met, the Help Desk will notify you prior to running the report.
- Please specify the specific Resp Org ID to be billed for the report.