The Help Desk receives notification from the North American Number Plan Administrator (NANPA) ( that an NPA Split/Overlay is being schedule and when it will be occurring.
The Help Desk contacts the authorizing agency (Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) or Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)) to verify the last Auto Number Information (ANI) conversion date. The authorizing agency is defined as the contact for the NPA Split/Overlay on the official planning letter provided by NANPA. The last ANI conversion date is the date that the last switch will be converted to the new ANI. Based upon the last ANI conversion date, a "cut date" is agreed upon by the Help Desk and the authorizing agency. The "cut date" is defined as the day on which duality, or mandatory 10-Digit dialing, begins within the TFNRegistry™ (
The Help Desk makes an NPA Split/Overlay schedule document available to users on the Somos® Portal Website ( This schedule is subject to change depending on the capacity of the TFNRegistry and notifications from NANPA.
The Pre-ID report is normally run 4-6 weeks prior to the mandatory 10-Digit dialing for internal purposes. This report identifies the volume and type of Customer Records and Template Records that may be affected by the NPA Split/Overlay. The Phase 1 report is run prior to the mandatory 10-Digit dialing period. This report allows Resp Orgs to verify and correct information on Customer Records and Template Records to ensure quality within the TFNRegistry. There is a minimum of 2 weeks after the "cut date" in order to give the Resp Orgs time to update the remaining Customer and Template Records prior the mandatory 10-Digit dialing.
Conversion reports are made available to Resp Orgs in the TFNRegistry. After you have successfully logged in, select the "TFN Registry Reporting" menu item. If this menu item is not available, please contact your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) to obtain Reporting permissions.