Network Management Exception Reports Control (NRC) Audit Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Valid SCP IDs that have been defined using the SCP Administration (SID) page. |
4 alphanumeric, first 2-alpha characters are valid Network ID followed by a 2-digit code. Wildcards are allowed in last two characters. Single wild card is not allowed. You can enter ZA** in this field, where ZA is the two-alpha network and the double asterisk ** is a wildcard used to represent all SCPs in the network under the Entity. Example: “ZA**”. |
Valid email address is used to send the report to you. |
An email address. Email address is up to 60 characters. |
Identifies the SCP ID associated with the report data. |
4 alphanumeric, first 2-alpha characters are valid Network ID, followed by a 2-digit code (00 to 99).
CLLI Code |
Provides the 11-character Common Language Code (CLLI) for the SCP. |
SCP Overload Controls |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistryTM values and the SCP values for the Gap Interval and Control Duration for each Overload Level are compared to one another. |
If all values agree, then nothing is printed. If there is a mismatch, then that value is printed. |
Mass Calling Thresholds |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistry values and the SCP values for the Surveillance and Control values for each Threshold Level are compared to one another. |
If all values agree, then nothing is printed. If there is a mismatch, then that value is printed. |
Excessive Calling Controls |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistry values and the SCP values for the Vacant Numbers thresholds and the Out of Area Numbers thresholds for 6# and 10# numbers and the Decontrol values are compared to one another. |
If all values agree, then the word Match is printed in the under the TFNRegistry column. If there is a mismatch, then the mismatched values are printed. |
Call Completion Collection |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistry Call Completion Collection setting and the SCP Call Completion Collection setting are compared to one another. |
If the values agree then the word Match is printed under the TFNRegistry column. If there is a mismatch, then the mismatched values are printed. |
Carrier Mass Calling Controls Override |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistry Carrier Mass Calling Controls Override settings for each Carrier are compared to the corresponding SCP Carrier Mass Calling Controls for each Carrier. |
If all values agree then Match is printed. If there is a mismatch, then the mismatched values are printed. |
Network Management Report Limits |
For the specified SCP, the TFNRegistry Report Limit values are compared to the SCP Report Limit values. |
If the values agree then the word Match is printed in the column. If there is a mismatch then the values are printed. |
Created |
Identifies the date and time that the report was created. |
Date and Time. |