Resp Org Information (ORG) Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Resp Org ID |
Data entry field for retrieving the Responsible Organization (Resp Org) ID information and list of Resp Org IDs that are associated with the Resp Org. |
5 alphanumeric characters identifying the Resp Org First 2 characters should be alpha characters which signify the associated Resp Org Entity. |
Entity ID |
Data entry field for retrieving the Resp Org's Entity information and the list of Resp Org IDs that are associated with the Resp Org's Entity. TFNRegistry™ displays the retrieved Resp Org's Entity information. |
2 alpha numeric characters identifying the Resp Org's Entity. |
Toll-Free Number |
Data entry field for retrieving a Toll-Free Number (TFN) to find its Resp Org information. |
10 alpha numeric characters. Format is NPA-NXX-XXXX. |
Company Name |
The company name associated to the Entity/Resp Org ID. |
Maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters:
‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ ; < , > . ? / . The following characters are not permitted ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |
Contact Number |
The contact phone number associated to the Entity/Resp Org ID.
NPANXXXXXX. Vanity number is supported. When displayed via the TFNRegistry, format will be NPA-NXX-XXXX. On data entry via User Interface can be entered as NPANXXXXXX, NPA-NXX-XXXX or NPA NXX XXXXX. |
E-mail Address |
The email address associated to the Entity/Resp Org ID.
Normal email address syntax accepted of the general form user@domain.tld. Up to 60 characters. |
Business Unit Name |
The business unit name associated to the Entity/Resp Org ID.
Maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters:
Trouble Referral Number |
The contact telephone number associated to the Entity/Resp Org ID for all TFNs controls and all CRs it creates:
NPANXXXXXX. Vanity number is supported. When displayed via a User Interface, format will be NPA-NXX-XXXX. On data entry via User Interface can be entered as NPANXXXXXX, NPA-NXX-XXXX or NPA NXX XXXXX. |
Status |
The status of the retrieved Entity/Resp Org ID. Status indicates whether the Resp Org Unit is available for use or not. If Resp Org ID is Disconnected, then it cannot be allowed to perform any new transactions to create CR data or Number Reservations.
Values include:
Primary Email Address |
Primary Email Address of the retrieved Entity/Resp Org ID.
Normal email address syntax accepted of the general form user@domain.tld, Up to 60 characters. |
Notification Destination Details |
Domain Name and Port value for receiving the Asynchronous Callback response. This will be used as end point for Asynchronous Callback Rest responses:
Domain Name and Port (see descriptions and valid values below). |
Domain Name |
The domain name address on which the Asynchronous Callback URL will be hosted. Default maximum of 4 Domains can be entered. |
Enable Yes/No String (The full domain name may not exceed a total length of 255 characters). Http or https (protocol) is not allowed. Ex: |
Port |
Defines the port on which the Asynchronous Callback URL will be listening. Default maximum of 1 Port per Domain can be entered. |
Integer Please Note: All Asynchronous Callback URLs can only be utilized via Port 443 with SSL/TLS encryption. The messages that are sent from the Production and Sandbox TFNRegistry are sent over the public internet. |