BMC Field Descriptions for MNC Request Type |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Toll-Free Numbers |
A mandatory field that contains a list of specific Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) (number of entries is configurable, please refer to the SPH page for current limits). Both Input and Output field. |
xxx-nxx-xxxx, where:
Number Status |
Status of the queried TFN(s). Output field. |
Possible Values:
Auctioned TFN |
Indicating whether the TFN is acquired by the Responsible Organization (Resp Org) in the 833 Auction. Output field. |
Valid value is Yes/No |
Eff Date |
Date when the last status change has happened. Output field. |
Format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Reserve/Disconnect Until |
Date till which the TFN can remain in reserved status or in disconnect/transitional status. Output field. |
Format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Last Active |
Date when the TFN was last activated. Output field. |
Format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Resp Org |
Resp Org who manages the TFN. Output field. |
5 alphanumeric
Contact Person |
The name of the person who should be contacted regarding the TFN. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
Text string. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . The following characters are not permitted: ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |
Contact Phone |
The phone number of the person who should be contacted regarding the TFN. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
NPA-NXX-XXXX (NPA optional). Requires 10 digits -- when the number is populated by the TFNRegistry and the record does not contain a 10 Digit value, the TFNRegistry will display leading zeros (e.g., 000-699-2000). |
Contact Notes |
Notes left by the contact person for the TFN. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
Text string. Up to 151 alphanumeric characters. A “text string” entry can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . The following characters are not permitted: ~ Tilde, “Double Quotation Mark, | Vertical Bar (Pipe), ^ Circumflex (Hat) and other special characters not listed above. |