Bulk / Automation Message Center (BMC) Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Request ID |
A unique identifier for the bulk/automation request that was made. If you selected the ID, the results of that bulk/automation request will appear. After it has been selected, the results of the bulk/automation request will be displayed, which may vary depending upon the bulk/automation request type that was submitted. |
Numeric |
Request Type |
Type of bulk/automation request that was made. |
Valid Values:
Creation Date/Time |
Date and time when the bulk/automation request was created. |
Create User ID |
Login ID of the user that submitted the bulk/automation request. |
8 alphanumeric |
Acting As ID |
The Responsible Organization (Resp Org) ID that the submitter of the bulk/automation request selected for the Acting As feature. |
5 alphanumeric characters like “ZATST” |
Request Description |
A mandatory field that allows the entry of a description of the request.
Both Input and Output field.
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
Can contain any of the following characters; Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . |
Status |
The status of the bulk/automation request. |
Statuses are: Pending (Job is submitted and still not picked for processing).
Email Address |
An optional field that identifies the email address of the user that is to be notified via email that the job has been completed. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
Normal email address syntax accepted of the general form user@domain.tld. |
Submitted |
Date and Time the request was submitted.
Output field. |
User ID |
Login ID of the user that submitted the request.
Output field. |
8 alphanumeric
Resp Org |
Resp Org of the user who initiated the request.
Output field. |
5 alphanumeric
Acting As Resp Org |
The Resp Org ID that the submitter of the bulk/automation request selected for the Acting As feature.
Output field. |
5 alphanumeric
Results |
A TFNRegistry populated field containing the results of each TFN in the submitted list.
Output field. |
Possible values are Completed or Failed with some brief explanation as to why it failed, etc. |