If the request is accepted and received successfully in the TFNRegistry™, the registry will start processing the request and will also start a wait response timer.
If the request is completed before the wait response timer expires, the corresponding response, will be sent back to the caller in the same synchronous request session.
If the wait response timer expires and the response processing is still in progress, a HTTP 202 Accepted status code is sent acknowledging and accepting the request and giving a unique Request ID that can be used by the external caller to do active polling to check the status of the request and eventually get the response.
If the polling call for a given request identified with a given Request ID is still in progress, the TFNRegistry API will reply with status indicating the request is still under.
If any error arises trying to insert/process the external system request, the TFNRegistry will reply with the error details. Respond with the requested information.
During a synchronous interaction, the TFNRegistry will (see Figure 1 Synchronous Invocation with Response):
- Respond with the requested information.
- Acknowledge accepting the request if it will be fulfilled at a later time (wait response timer expired).
- Report any error if request cannot be accepted to an external system as a synchronous request.
Figure 1 Synchronous Invocation with Response