In case of a successful user call to the TFNRegistry™ API, one of the following messages will be reported back to the user in the reply to the synchronous HTTP request (see Table 5 Successful Requests).
Table 5: Successful Requests
Successful Requests |
HTTP Status Code |
Comments |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
This status will be sent back as reply to an external system doing active polling passing the requestId in request URL and the actual response is ready or, if the response is completed before the wait response timer expires during the initial method request. The response will be sent back as JSON payload in this HTTP reply.
This status will be replied if the external system caller is passing in the synchronous request URL a given requestId for a pending request if the wait response timer during first request has expired and the response processing is still in progress.
See the TFNRegistry Asynchronous Callback API section 2.4 for details about the actual reply to this request. |
The external system synchronous request is well formed, has been successfully inserted into the internal TFNRegistry queue and the wait response timer for first request has expired. The response processing continues.
Eventually the external system injecting this request shall receive an asynchronous reply in its exposed TFNRegistry Asynchronous Callback API when the request is actually processed successfully or unsuccessfully in the background by TFNRegistry.
If no callback URL was provided in the first request, the external caller will have to do active polling calls to same URL appending the Message Id provided by TFNRegistry until a response is provided with HTTP 200 OK status code or HTTP 202 Accepted is replied to indicate that the response processing is still in progress.
See the TFNRegistry Asynchronous Callback API section 3.3 for details about the actual reply to this request. |
In case of an error happening when a user calls the TFNRegistry API, one of the following errors will be reported back to the user in the reply to the synchronous HTTP request (see Table 6 Unsuccessful Requests).
Table 6: Unsuccessful Requests
Unsuccessful Requests |
HTTP Status Code |
Comments |
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request |
The inbound request is invalid. |
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized |
Authentication is required and has failed or has not been provided. |
HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout |
The server timed out waiting for the request. According to HTTP specifications, “The user did not produce a response within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The external system MAY repeat the request |
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error |
without modifications at any later time.” |
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable |
Internal error or communication error or TFNRegistry is not available. |