This chapter describes the TFNRegistry™ APIs exposed by the TFNRegistry to external Carriers, Resp Orgs and any other programmatic systems allowed to interact with the TFNRegistry. The TFNRegistry APIs are organized into functional domains with each representing a major area of business capability.
The TFNRegistry APIs are accessed via URLs following the RESTful service methodology. The URLs follow a pattern as follows:
https://Domain:Port/Version/System/Functional Area/Resource/Action
- where “Version” is the version of the API (v2 or v3)
- where the “System” is always “ip” for the TFNRegistry;
- where the “Functional Area” is one of the following:
- Number Administration (num)
- Customer Record (cus)
- Organization (org)
- Administration (adm)
- User Control and Security (sec);
- where the “Resource” and “Action” are defined separately for each functional area.
Please refer to the API Specifications in the Developer Resources for more details. Users can initiate a session to obtain an OAuth2 access token. This can be done with the open session API or if the user has previously obtained the key/secret, the token API can be used with standard OAuth2 password grant. During a valid API session, the user makes as many API calls as needed and when the session work is completed, the user should close the session.
Please Note: Some of the Bulk/Automation requests share the same endpoints with their corresponding regular requests. For example:
- Multi-Conversion to Pointer Record (MCP)
- Section: Customer Record Administration
- Endpoint: /v3/ip/cus/rec/cnv
- Method: POST
- Multi Number Query (MNQ) Request
- Section: Number Administration
- Endpoint: /v3/ip/num/tfn/query
- Method: PUT
- Multi Number Resp Org Change (MRO) Request
- Section: Number Administration
- Endpoint: /v3/ip/num/rch
- Method: POST
- Multi Number Spare (MSP) Request
- Section: Number Administration
- Endpoint: /v3/ip/num/tfn/update
- Method: PUT
In V3 of the TFNRegistry API a number of enhancements have been added in the “Number Admin” and “Security Admin” functional areas. Those new features can be accessed through the new V3 endpoints. Detailed changes of the V2 and V3 APIs can be found in the API Specifications on the Developer Resources.
TFNRegistry users submitting any of the following Automation request types can submit up to a maximum limit of 100,000 TFNs per request via the Production and/or the Sandbox TFNRegistry API only (this does not apply to the same Automation requests submitted via the TFNRegistry UI):
- Multi Record Conversion to Pointer Record (MCP)
- Multi Number Copy (MNC)
- Multi Number Query (MNQ)
- Multi Number Spare (MSP)
- Multi Pointer Activation (MPA)
- Multi Record Disconnect (MND)
- Multi Resp Org Change (MRO)
The Automation/Bulk request types' (submitted via the TFNRegistry API and UI) maximum limit of TFNs per request is subject to change. For the current Automation requests limitations in the TFNRegistry UI, please go to the System Parameter Handling (SPH) page. Please refer to the Chapter titled, “System Parameter Handling (SPH)” in the TFNRegistry User Guide for more information.
All Automation/Bulk requests submitted via the TFNRegistry API are subject to throttling.
Please Note: Automation request types of Multi Record Conversion to Pointer Record (MCP), Multi Number Copy (MNC), Multi Number Spare (MSP), Multi Pointer Activation (MPA), Multi Record Disconnect (MND), Multi Resp Org Change (MRO) and One Click Activate (OCA) require detailed validation in the TFNRegistry and the request may take longer than an Multi Number Query (MNQ) request.