The Resp Org Change (ROC) System enables Resp Orgs to administer Toll-Free Number (TFN) ports and store Letter of Agency (LOA) along with supporting documentation in a centralized location. This system standardizes the process of Resp Org Change management, submission and processing of the change requests as well as provides access to the history of the change transactions and supporting documentation. The system is accessible only by registered users. Purpose of this guide is to provide user with information on how to use the ROC System Web Service Interface (ROC WSI).
Purpose & Audience
This is intended for Resp Orgs who want to extend or develop client applications to be able to submit Resp Org Change requests to the ROC System via the ROC WSI.
Visit the following for more information:
- ROC Web Service Specifications: This section contains the specifications from which a Resp Org client application can be built to communicate with the ROC Web Service.
- ROC Request Submission and Response Processing: This section contains the XML samples of messages related to all the operations supported by the ROC Web Service.
- Overview of client development & implementation: This section contains the processes involved in connecting to the ROC Web Service, including a brief review of requirements, security issues, independent testing, etc., and finally accessing the ROC System Production environment.
- ROC Field Definition: This section contains details on all the fields related to the XML messages associated to each of the operations supported by the ROC Web Service. The details contain information about field names, data types, requirement, validations performed, and samples for complex data types.
- Appendices: The appendices contain various tables which provide details/descriptions about statuses, actions etc. which are frequently used in the Request and Responses messages from the ROC Web Service. This section also contains the schemas of all the messages associated to the operations supported by the ROC Web Service.