Multi Record Disconnect Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Request Type |
Type of automation request that is made.
Both Input and Output field. |
Valid Values:
Toll-Free Numbers or Template Names |
A mandatory field that identifies either the Toll-Free Number (TFN) of the Customer Records (CADs) (also known as CRs) to disconnect or the Template Names of the Template Records (TADs) (also known as TRs) to disconnect. Please Note: When disconnecting a Template Name, all PRs in an Active status that point to it must point to another Template Name and all PRs in an Old status must be cleaned up prior to disconnecting the Template Name. Please click here for additional information on record cleanup rules. The TFN field can be populated using any of the following methods:
Enter either, but not both, Toll-Free Numbers or Template Names. Each TFN must be a 10- alphanumeric (digits 0-9 and/or alphas). Two dashes are allowed and are optional. Vanity numbers are supported. Format: NPA-NXX- XXXX or NPANXXXXXX. Example: 800-123-4567 or 8001234567
Template Names must start with an asterisk ‘*’. Example: *ZATST |
Request Description |
A mandatory field that allows the entry of a description of the request. Both Input and Output field.
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters. Can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . |
Email Address |
An optional field that identifies the email address of the user that is to be notified via email that the job has been completed. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters. Normal email address syntax accepted of the general form user@domain.tld. |
Start Effective Date and Time |
A mandatory field that identifies the start date and time that needs to be used in the PRs. Both Input and Output field. |
Format: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM. “Now” is accepted as input. If “Now” is provided as input, then Date and time must not be provided. |
End Intercept Date |
An optional field that contains the End Intercept Date which is when the record's routing should be removed from the SCP. Both Input and Output field. |
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Default is 120 days from the record's Disconnect date. |
Referral |
A mandatory field that indicates the type of recorded message that the caller will hear for Disconnected records. Both Input and Output field. |
Valid Values:
Notes |
An optional field that may be used to include additional information about the request. Both Input and Output field. |
Up to 151 alphanumeric characters. |