Multi Number Spare Field Descriptions |
Field/Object |
Descriptions |
Valid Values/Actions |
Request Type |
Type of automation request that is made.
Both Input and Output field. |
Valid Values:
Toll-Free Numbers |
A mandatory field that contains a list of specific Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) (number of entries is configurable, please refer to the SPH page for current limits). Please Note: Active/Working TFN(s) must already be in a Transitional status and past the 45-day rule mandated by the FCC. Click here for more information on this rule. Both Input and Output field. |
xxx-nxx-xxxx, where:
Request Description |
A mandatory field that allows the entry of a description of the request. Both Input and Output field.
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters. Can contain any of the following characters: Letters, digits, standard keyboard special characters listed below: ‘ ’ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] \ : ; < , > . ? / . |
Email Address |
An optional field that identifies the email address of the user that is to be notified via email that the job has been completed. This is auto populated from the URC page. |
Up to 60 alphanumeric characters. Normal email address syntax accepted of the general form user@domain.tld. |