In the following steps, Working Numbers Report sheet is created as an example. Before creating and customizing a report, the user should know the required tables, filters, rows and columns.
- Once the RHDB_NAREP data source is connected, the “New Workbook” page will be displayed with tables, filters, rows, and columns shelf to create and customize a report.
- You can select the fields from the Measures and Tables shelf and then drag and drop each field one after the other in the Columns or Rows shelf as per the requirement.
- From the Measures Shelf, drag any field and drop them in the Rows shelf.
- When you selects field from Measures shelf and drops it in the Rows shelf, the cell will be in green pill.
- To change it, select the drop down arrow on the pill. A pop-up list with available options will be displayed. Select the “Discrete” link to change it from Continuous to Discrete, the pill will turn blue and the data will be updated and displayed in the new format.
- When you selects field from Measures shelf and drops it in the Rows shelf, the cell will be in green pill.
- From the Tables Shelf, drag the “Entity, Resp Org, Toll-Free Number, Status Change, Login By and Last Updated Date/Time” fields and drop them in the Rows shelf.
- From the Tables Shelf, drag the “Number Status” field and drop it in the Filters shelf.
- By selecting the “Number Status” drop down arrow, a pop-up list will be displayed. You can select the “Edit Filter” option to view and edit available filters.
- Once the Edit Filter option has been selected, a Filter (Number Status) pop-up will be displayed with all Number Statuses.
- You can select the “All” or a single check box as per the requirement. By selecting the “All” check box, all the Toll-Free Numbers Statuses will be displayed on the page.
- You can select the “Working” check box to create a Working Numbers Report. Once the check box has been selected, the user can select the “Apply” button to apply the filters on the report followed by “OK” button to close the pop-up.
- A report with Working statuses will be displayed.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.