The Daily Log Number Administration and Summary Report provides a list of Toll-Free Numbers that are in a Reserved status, a Spare status or updated by a Resp Org(s).
To view the report:
- On the Daily Log Number Administration and Summary Report Landing page, you can select the Entity, Resp Org, NPA, NXX Start Digit or Activity Date items from the corresponding drop down menu.
Selected Number of Rows
- As you select each filter, the “Selected Number of Rows” will dynamically refreshes and the number of data rows for the selected filters will be displayed.
Please Note: It is recommended to limit the size of the Selected Number of Rows to 200,000 for optimal performance.
Generate Preview (10 Rows)
- By selecting the “Generate Preview (10 Rows)” button, you can preview the first 10 rows of the report. This button will be “grayed” out and displayed with a light blue background after the first time it was selected in a session. The preview data auto refreshes every time you modify the filters without the need to reselect the “Generate Preview (10 Rows)” button again.
Full Report Results
- By selecting the “Generate Full Report” button, the Results page of the full report will be displayed in another tab of the browser. You can review or download the data on this page.
- You can select the Daily Log Number Administration tab at the top left corner of the page to view and modify the report again.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
Daily Log Number Administration and Summary Field Descriptions
The following table identifies the Daily Log Number Administration and Summary report fields and their descriptions.
Daily Log Number Administration Field Descriptions |
Field |
Description |
Entity |
An identifier for the Entity. |
Resp Org |
An identifier for the Resp Org. |
Login ID |
Identifies the Login provided in the TFNRegistry. |
Toll-Free Number |
Identifies the Toll-Free Number belonging to the Resp Org. |
Activity Status |
The status code of the activity. The following can be displayed:
Reserve Until Date |
The reserve until date of the TFN, if the number is in Reserved status or was in Reserved status at the time the data was downloaded to Reporting. |
Activity Date |
The date of the activity took place. |
Last Updated Date/Time |
The date and time updated in the Transactional database (when activity occurred). |
Last Refresh Date/Time |
Identifies the date and time the report last refreshed. |
Record Count |
Display the count of records associated with the filtered data set (xxxxxxx) and the grand total of records (yyyyyyy) formatted as xxxxxxx/yyyyyyy. |
Data Source Used to Create the Report
The “RHDB_NAACTLOG” data source is used to create the Daily Log Number Administration and Summary Report. The fields used from this table are:
- Resporg
- Activitydate
- Msecs
- Logonid
- Dialnbr
- Resvuntildate
- Activitystatus
- Extractdate
- Create_logonid
- Update_logonid
- Create_time
- Update_time
Please Note: Please refer to the Number Administration Activity Log Table (RHDB_NAACTLOG) for more information.