The Daily Log Customer Record Summary report contains a count of Customer Records and Template Records updated on the specified date for a given Responsible Organization (Resp Org) (see Figure 139 Daily Log Customer Record Summary).
Figure 139 Daily Log Customer Record Summary
Daily Log Customer Record Summary Field Descriptions
The following table identifies the Daily Log Customer Record Summary fields and their descriptions (see Table 28 Daily Log Customer Record Summary Field Descriptions).
Table 28 Daily Log Customer Record Summary Field Descriptions
Daily Log Customer Record Summary Field Descriptions |
Field |
Description |
Entity |
An identifier for the Entity. |
Resp Org |
An identifier for the Resp Org. |
Login ID |
The assigned TFNRegistry Login ID. The last 3 characters of the full Login ID. |
CR New Connect |
A count of Customer Record new connects for the specified Resp Org on the specified date. |
CR Disconnect |
A count of Customer Record disconnects for the specified Resp Org on the specified date. |
CR Resend |
A count of Customer Record resends and resends of deletes for the specified Resp Org on the specified date. |
CR Changes |
The total changes, including:
Activity Date |
The date for the day requested. |
Last Refresh Date/Time |
Identifies the date and time the report was last refreshed. |
Record Count |
Display the count of records associated with the filtered data set (xxxxxxx) and the grand total of records (yyyyyyy) formatted as xxxxxxx/yyyyyyy. |
Data Source Used to Create the Report
The “RHDB_RIDSDETAIL” data source is used to create the Daily Log Customer Record Summary Report. The fields used from this table are:
- Org
- Activitydate
- Entity
- Logonid
- Nareserved
- Naspare
- Naother
- Crnewconnect
- Crdisconnect
- Crresend
- Crchanges
- Csreqadd_chg
- Csreqdeleted
- Download_date
Please Note: Please refer to Chapter 15.37 Report Input Daily Segment Detail Table (RHDB_RIDSDETAIL) for more information.